Thursday, September 26, 2019

Allowing Mobile Devices In The Office Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Allowing Mobile Devices In The Office - Essay Example Purpose The purpose of the report is to establish whether veteran affairs will allow or reject introduction of mobile device by offices. Summary has to be made on the different devices that can be allowed and their use in the organization. Scope The scope of introduction of mobile phones should extend to only those devices that are used in organizations. The devices mostly looked at are the mobile phones, laptops and tablets. The devices use should affect the working conditions of the workers. The devices covered are discussed below. Mobile phone Almost every worker in the office environment owns a mobile phone. Critiques argue allowing workers use their mobile phone in the office premises will lower productivity. These devices give voice and data communication ability. Their portability reason can allow easier location of workers. Businesses which allow workers to use their mobile phones have policy on which place to use devices. This reduces the possibility of workers making noise to others when talking on their mobile phones. The veteran affairs should set up locations where people can use their mobile phones in the offices. This will cut stress on worker and increasing on productivity (Anindya, 2007). Laptop and Notebooks These devices are almost replacing the desktop computers in the offices. Workers like them because of their high processing speed and flexibility. Modern laptops are blue tooth and Wi-Fi enabled. This enables them to connect to the institutions network. Use of personal laptops in the workplace should be controlled but not eliminated. The veteran affairs can set up policies on access limitation using these devices. People who would like to use these devices have to join the domain of the institution. This will enable them save every work carried... This paper approves that there is a greater assumption that after introduction of mobile devices in different offices workers will follow principles that will be laid down by the veteran authority. The introduction of mobile devices in the organization will require change of infrastructure to accommodate them. It is assumed organizations will have financial capability to buy this technology. In reality most organizations work with a constrained budget which would not allow them make any provision for such changes. Managers are the most influential people in organization. Manager’s refusal to take up the new technology will lead to juniors rejecting introduction of the new technology. The assumption is that they will accept the technology without any resistance. Workers comfort ability plays a major role in their production. Providing workers with the most recent technology in their working place increases their optimism. The optimistic atmosphere making them feels the need of being associated with the institution. Workers who are using portable devices feel as if no one is watching. This report makes a conclusion that there are many benefits associated with portable device. These benefits make it necessary to introduce them in the working environment. The veteran affairs should allow their use but with some limitation to eradicate misuse. Focus on improving working conditions of workers and service delivery to the public. The other measure is educating workers on the benefit of using those devices in the right way. Education will cut resistance from worker because of change in the working environment.

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