Friday, May 22, 2020
The Goal Of Qualitative Research Essay - 1434 Words
According to my notes taken from a recorded lecture by Dr. Worley (Spring, 2016), the goal of Qualitative Research is to explore, describe and explain human behavior. This method of research involves close listening and observation and gives insights that other research methods cannot. Qualitative data is not numerical; words are used for presenting results and qualitative research is thematic in nature. Qualitative research usually involves fewer participants’ due to the observation methods utilized. Results are unique and individual. There are various methods used to perform qualitative research such as: †¢ Ethnography or human social behavior or cultures which is achieved through participant observations or fieldwork †¢ Interviews which are usually one on one †¢ Focus Groups of 6-10 people; summarize answers to group questions for research †¢ Open-ended questionnaires The goal of Quantitative Research is to predict and generalize human behavior. Qualitative Research also begins with observation. Quantitative data is numerical; researcher is more concerned with numbers and statistics. Quantitative research involves summarizing large amounts of data. There are various methods used to perform quantitative research such as: †¢ Surveys †¢ Experimental †¢ Correlations †¢ Causal-Comparison 2. Based on the problems I perceive in the case study my research questions would be: Quantitative RQ: What percentage of men and women resort to some type of aggression in the workplace due to jobShow MoreRelatedIntroduction The main goal of this research paper is to present a qualitative study that examines2000 Words  | 8 PagesIntroduction The main goal of this research paper is to present a qualitative study that examines why the relationship between employees and leaders is disintegrating on a daily basis. 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